Digital Journalism 2

11 May Does money dictate alcoholism?

There are a lot of different ways we can explain drinking habits, for example; social life, depression, work or stress. However I believe that the one thing that determines all of these is money and how much people earn, compared to how much alcohol the consume. There are a...

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11 May U.K vs Europe: Who Downs The Most?

Featured image by I investigate the European continent's drinking habits, and who'd be the first to be crashing on the sofa at a continental meetup party.  I'm sure, like many, we've all had one mate who thinks he could chug all the alcohol at the party -...

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As time goes by and alcohol becomes more accessible, the UK becomes one of the highest alcohol drinkers on record.  Alcohol consumption amongst UK citizens is on the rise each and every year, with a staggering amount of pure alcohol consumed every day by a large...

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