U.K vs Europe: Who Downs The Most?

11 May U.K vs Europe: Who Downs The Most?

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I investigate the European continent’s drinking habits, and who’d be the first to be crashing on the sofa at a continental meetup party. 

I’m sure, like many, we’ve all had one mate who thinks he could chug all the alcohol at the party – but don’t you wonder if they could really? The continent of Europe is the most drinking continent on the planet, moving almost 5 million units of alcohol across it yearly. That being said, just who out of the top names in Europe is the one who can really hold their drink?

The U.K alone spends £10bn yearly on imports from across the continent, being one of the biggest industries contributing to the overall U.K economy, adding to a grant total of £50bn to the economy, certainly more than enough to get you as many Budweisers to get you through that Friday night at the pub.

I investigated such questions to bring the U.K face to face with its drinking rivals across the continent, see how the Brits rank up and to answer the question: If an individual from the top 10 countries met up at a bar, who’s going to be hitting their second round first?

The U.K ranks in at 4th place, just inches away from being in the top three. Although being one of the biggest importers of alcohol in Europe, homegrown just can’t beat borrowing a drink of one of your buddies when you’re all out.

France holds an impressive 11.50 units of alcohol overall consumed, but once you get into the specific statistics – that’s when a countries habits truly show. In terms of singular category of drink (Beer, Wine, Spirits and Other) France actually ranks 2nd in what type of drink is consumed. That award goes to Poland, with a 6.45 units of alcohol consumption for beer, then followed by France, with the most wine consumed at 6.4 units. Russia then takes 3rd for most spirits consumed, being 4.57 and the final category is won by Finland, holding the record of 0.97 units of alcohol consumed across Europe.

In conclusion, central Europe is the hotspot for your alcoholic needs, being most popular and regularly drunk there makes it a must for those looking to try the most amount of alcohol, with France being your best bet. Meanwhile, Norway would be your sober friend who’s probably the safest one to drive you home. But in terms of a night out at a continental party, sorry Norway, you’re the one paying for this round of drinks.
