‘The Truth Behind Drill Music’ Draft

29 Jan ‘The Truth Behind Drill Music’ Draft

I am submitting a fifteen minute documentary entitled ‘The Truth Behind Drill Music’. I chose to focus on this subject as I feel that drill music is often misrepresented in the general media and portrays the artists as demons and criminals rather than individuals who are a result of their upbringing in an unfair society which has led to them experiencing many traumatising life events at such a young age. I aim to organise a conversation between a drill artist and MP/Councillor so they can both understand the opposing views. My intended audience is the general public, with the aim to change the perception of this genre.


  • Intro Draft Edit
  • Unedited Footage So Far
  • People Contacted and Confirmed Interviews
  • Research
  • Planning Script
  • Reflective Essay

Edited Intro to Documentary and All Current Unedited Footage

People contacted for the documentary and confirmed interviews. 

Final Project Contacts





Planning Script

Shooting Script Draft

Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay