Journalism Project Draft – Brain injuries in Boxing

03 Apr Journalism Project Draft – Brain injuries in Boxing


My plan was to produce a multimedia journalism piece based around brain injuries in boxing. I was aiming for at least one video and one audio piece, with an array of written quotes from interviews I had conducted. It is an issue which has become more relevant as the world has become more safety-orientated, and therefore could be a piece that a wide range of people take interest in.

Despite the lack of slides on Shorthand, I do have most of my piece written out here. I felt it would be best to transfer this over when I my piece is fully completed.

My interview clip with Eddie Hearn was added just as an example of how I had cut his answer and how I would show it on the final piece. It is not linked with the earlier written work.


I did have to do a lot of research on the doctoral side, and have statistics which I am planning to put into different style info-graphics and charts. I used a wide array of websites to pick up as much of a range of data as possible.

I have spoken to a few doctors from the BBBofC who wish to remain anonymous, and they have helped me to gather more of an understanding into the history behind neurological research in boxing.

Intended Execution and Audience

One thing I wasn’t keen on was information overload, and therefore made sure that each page was complimented with some form of media/picture. I did spend a lot of time writing based on knowledge I had gathered during my time working in boxing, as I felt it could bring out my own perspective and not become too much of a research paper.

My target audience is obviously boxing fans, who due to the media scrutiny have become more aware recently to the extent of head injuries fighters are sustaining. There has also been a lot of traction gained by a section of people who are in favour of banning boxing – they may be interested in some of the debates and interviews in this piece.

Sources and Interviews 

Currently, I have one snippet from a video interview I conducted last month. My audio interview was in plan for April 1 but due to illness has been postponed until a time next week. I have yet to finalise all sources in full for this draft piece.

I do have quotes from two interviews which I conducted off-camera, as I thought it would bring out more from the interviewee.
