Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: “It’s all in your head.”

03 Apr Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: “It’s all in your head.”

I have uploaded my draft to my portfolio website which is still being set up. The link to my website is the following:


CRPS involves many different physical sensations. My introduction aims to paint a sensory picture of this condition, asking my audience to imagine these feelings so that they are prepared for the rest of my project and can wrap their heads around this disease much as possible. My work is aimed at an educated student audience, but the entire point of my project is to show as many people as possible about this illness so that those who are living with it have better chances of being taken seriously by healthcare professionals and the general public as this is arguably the biggest problem CRPS sufferers face. For this reason I will not be using terminology that is too complex, although this may be unavoidable with expert interviews. 

CRPS is an incredibly intense and debilitating illness, and I need viewers to be able to imagine this pain so that the stories of my interviewees really resonate.

I will use creative writing in some parts of the project to paint this picture. I will be submitting the final version of my project on Shorthand, it will look like an improved version of the below images.

