VT Submission and Audio Submission

12 Dec VT Submission and Audio Submission

VT Submission 


Lead in: Most of us know the struggle of the seemingly never-ending administration and paperwork that comes with applying for a student loan. Students living outside of London can receive up to £8944 this academic year but the amount they receive is determined largely by their household income. JLDN reporter Alessia Sasso headed to London South Bank University to ask students whether they feel their loan is enough to survive student life.

Roles: This VT is about the struggle that student face financially and how poor the government helps when it regards the student finance.The group was formed by Alessia, Jada, Arun, Isabella and Ellie. Alessia was the reporter, Jada was the editor and doing camera, Isabella was doing research, Ellie wrote the article and Arun wrote the lead in. Alessia as a reporter was there both shooting days, she was asking students if wanted to be interviewed, wrote all the scripts such as the vox pops questions, the interview questions, voice over and the piece to camera. Jada was also there both shooting days, she was recording and making sure to use all the angles and to have a variety of shots such as wide shot, close ups, etc. She also edited the VT itself with Adobe Premiere and helped the reporter with the questions for the main interview and helped contacting the main interviewee. Isabella booked the equipment for shooting and sent the reporter an interesting amount of research, with contacts, possible angles and different places where the reporter and the camera person could go and film. Ellie wrote the article for JLDN website. Arun wrote the lead in for the JLDN live show.

Audio Submission

Date Broadcasted: 21/11/2019

Lead in: Creative Access a recruitment agency for young people have organised a Facebook master class where people from the industry had the chance to share their experiences, our brilliant reporter Alessia Sasso went to find out more about it.
