Elderly woman stranded on Westminster Bridge is rescued by teen XR protesters.

07 Nov Elderly woman stranded on Westminster Bridge is rescued by teen XR protesters.

A 76-year-old woman was left stranded on Westminster Bridge as the Extinction Rebellion protesters blocked the bridge off to mark the start of the two-week lockdown of the capital. 

An elderly pedestrian, Susie, showed her distress as she stated, “I hope you’re happy, I am a 76-year-old woman and being forced to walk across this bridge”.

Susie 76, with the teen rebel who helped her walk across the bridge.

Susie is one of the many people who have been impacted by the protests as roads in London were closed due to people camping in the streets.

The protesters aimed to hold a peaceful protest to open up a conversation in Westminster but, Susie stated, “I worked there (House of Commons) for 22 years. They will not listen to you”.

A young protester approached the lady with a smile as Susie stated, “I am terrified of walking this bridge and it’s all because of fools like you”. 

The protesters proceeded to help the pedestrian, by taking her bags and offering her hand to hold, the lady soon said, “If I didn’t understand I would not be human”.

Two protesters used recycled clothing to express the message “wake up”.

The disruptions were in place to open a conversation across the nation to help prevent climate change from worsening any further and will continue until mid-October in the hopes of educating the public.

By Morgan Fotheringham.

Morgan Fotheringham