Deputy mayor of southwark has come out in favour of increasing police stop and search intelligence led and talks about investment in housing

08 Nov Deputy mayor of southwark has come out in favour of increasing police stop and search intelligence led and talks about investment in housing

Deputy mayor of southwark has come out in favour of increasing police stop and search intelligence led and talks investment in housing .


Barrie Hargrove is a local councillor for Peckham ward and is a deputy mayor of southwark, his work includes helping local people he represents in peckham ward with issues relating to housing problem to road problem affecting the area and also is deputy mayor of southwark .


The councillor has today said he is in support of police use of stop and search  intelligence led to combat violent crime in his area of work talking about rising crime he said “ stop and search should be used intelligence way and only should be used when section 60 giving officers reasoning grounds to believe a crime might happen “ he also went on to say “ he doesn’t support the way police handle stop and search in  discrimary” this follow as young black man  are more likely to be stopped and searched by police then any other groups.


talking about housing problem in the area He said “working in partnership with developers getting outside investment he also said “ investment from developers has increased  “ this follows as central government gives 63p in every pounds less investment to council  he also  suggested southwark council is finding new way of getting  investment in working in partnership with developers in developing affordable housing.

Responding to local Business who are worried about impart of no deal brexit he said “the council has a business unit that deals with issue and can advice business  he went to say ” its central government role to driver brexit ” the government has key role in helping business. 




Mo Ismail-Isse