
16 May Workbook

-Knife Crime
Knife crime, no lead.
-New Muay Thai Flyweight champion in One Championship. Jonathan haggerty
– Where is he? My gym.
– Questions to ask
-How does it feel to now be the World Flyweight Champion in Muay Thai in one of the prestigious arena in the world?
– You called out Rodtang, a strong fighter in the east but he’s not a world champion. Is this an old rivalry, knowing that you trained Thailand, what’s your relationship with him?
– So what’s your plan next since you’ve conquered One Championship, are you going to the west to dominate UFC?
Knife Crime, recent attack of a hooded man in southwark. 18 year old killed.
– ask a local about the incident?
– Ask who???
– Ask a youth.
– Student


welcome to jldn radio, this is the evening podcast
and i’m here with Maxine Cruz who’s a student in London Southbank University
and she’s here today to have a special conversation with me.
Say hello max!

Would you like to introduce yourself more? 3rd year student at LSBU, taking computer engineering

And where dyou live max. student accomodations

So I think everyone in the area has already heard of the recent stabbing of the 18 year old boy who was chased down
by a hooded man, who i think still hasn’t been caught.

Yea so, how does it make you feel as a resident around southwark
knowing that there’s events such as these happening.
unsafe – as a young woman, quite petite, vulnerable, scared

Do you think as a local resident, you need to know if you’re able to get home safe.

Yes, i’d love to, doesn’t matter since – accomodation is 5 mins away
lights, people – feel alright somehow.
Do you think that’s the same for other residents?
No, definitely not, something needs to be done, it’s just general knife
crime really.
Since you mentioned knife crime, do you think that there’s a bigger picture to be looked at here?
Yes – defo, knife crime – big issue in london. people becomes statistic,
growing issue, needs to be done.
What dyou think are the contributers about the issue?
i think – unemployment, difference in rich – poor esp central london.
leads to gangs forming –> gang violence –> leads to knife crime
AND it doesnt have to be gangs, money – big motivator,
some people have nothing to lose some have families they need to feed.
Right, thank you for your contribution.
Your welcome

This is all we have for today at JLDN radio, I’m your host, Jo Ramos and a thank you for our guest Ms. Maxine Cruz for joining us
we’re signing off, BYEEEE.
