Weekly report

15 May Weekly report

Weekly record 1: Today we talked about what topic we would like to do. I did some research on gov.co.uk and I looked at some Data and statistics and decided I would like to cover smoking habits in the UK as I found the statistics very interesting. weekly record 2: I did more research on smoking in the UK and found out that the smoking rate has decreased and the vaping increased I found this really interesting and decided to include this in my story has the was a significant correlation. Weekly report 3: I manipulated the Data on Excel and saw some significance among the countries and the population. I found this really interesting as England with the highest population has the lowest smoking rate. I decided to do some more research on this and after I have found a couple of articles I decided to talk to some people on the streets about this. Weekly report 4: I went out to talk to some people about the differences between England and the other countries. After I asked a Vaper why they vape and If they have smoked before vaping: Weekly report 5: I worked on my story and with all the data I have collected, the interviews and other research information I was able to finish it that day Weekly report 6: I showed my story in the meeting with Michael to get some feedback on what I have written and he told me to now start with my infographic. Weekly report 7:  I planned out my infographic and designed a script on paper with what i want to show in it and what colour scheme i wanna use Weekly report 8: I started working on my infographic and designed the map and the other icons. I added some text and important notes into it. I was ready to upload after that day Weekly report 9: I went over my story and my infographic to check that everything was alright. now I am uploading.  