
The first lesson was an introduction to the module, and explanation of the assessments we will be marked on. Also, we were assigned to our VT groups and patches. We also learnt how to use the basic equipment such as iPod, microphone… At the end of the lesson, we did practice interviews using the equipment. 


Video: We went through the health and safety on location policy and worked on the basic technical terms that could be needed for a VT package. We made a list of them.

Then we watched a VT package and discussed it, trying to understand it and put a technical term on every action. Someone also showed us how to book equipment through the website so we could do it whenever we’d need to.

Audio: We worked on how to produce a relevant audio package based on Sources. We spoke about PA Mediapoint, IRN, BoB.


We had a voice training with Vanessa to learn how to use our voice to share a message, make people feel what we want to make them to feel. You want to be interesting and it goes through the use of your voice as much as the content you’re reading.

We thought of asking students about their spending and how they budget. Most students told us they spend their money on drinks, food, nights out… Found statistics as well to prove our point.


Video: We watched the VT packages on student life, discussed them and talked about how we could improve them. Then we learnt what a piece to camera was and how to make one. We also started planning our Brexit VT package.

Audio: We worked on how to find several angles to a same story and see how different the results can be. We watched a few videos showing us different angles.


We spent the entire day in Westminster reporting on Brexit. We interviewed some people in the morning to know if they felt threatened by Brexit, or if on the opposite, they were supporting it. On that day, most of the people we met seemed against since London is a multicultural city and many Londoners seemed to think it wouldn’t be a good thing to end it. But obviously some people also thought that Brexit was voted and accepted the first time and that we shouldn’t go back on that decision because it would make England look weak. 

I recorded sounds for my audio assignment and focused on sounds like honks, people shouting in the street, people arguing over Brexit…


Video: We had to watch the French news and talk about it in class. The main subject was the yellow vests’ protest in France which has been going strong for about six months and seems unstoppable. The president is ignoring the situation at the moment. He’s expected to speak in the next few days.

Then we watched the Brexit VTs and had to read our studio introductions and discussed them. We had to choose a picture and had a relevant caption to it. Also, we started planning an interview due for next week.

Audio: We watched several interviews and studied different techniques of interview and how to be relevant. We worked on how to ask the right question to get the answer expected and make sure the person we’re speaking to can’t avoid it.

For next week, we are thinking of interviewing this student who was meant to move to London and had to rent a flat and pay for her rent and deposit before moving in and was scammed. 


Video: We went though our homework: watching the news and be ready to discuss it in class.

Then we had to be ready to talk about the person we want to interview and why she’d be interesting. We also practised our interview skills by learning what the best questions to ask were and how to ask them to get a good a relevant answer.


Video: We watched the profile interviews and vox pops that we had to work on, and gave each other feedback.

Then we had to work on writing a headline and stand first to go with our VT.

Audio:  We had to think of an idea for our final audio package and write a few information on it. 

I am thinking of working on the LGBT+ community so I could link my research for infographic to my audio, I want to focus either on how hard it is to come out to friends and family and how to improve this. I want people to share their experience. 

I could also speak about the people fighting not only homophobia but also racism.


Video: We reviewed the vox pops and then kept working on our final assessment.  We also talked about how to film a good sequence to add in our VT.


Video: We presented our projects to Rebecca and discussed it together, checked that we weren’t missing any information and asked any questions we might have had. 

The project is to work on the Colourscape Festival in Wembley Park, taking place from Saturday 4th May to Monday 6th May (Bank Holiday). We’d like to have a few shots of the inside and get people’s reactions on it, and a reaction from the person doing the piece to camera as well. 

Audio: We spoke about everyone’s final project and what angle we wanted to use for our audio package.

I found a news story on the Independent, from 16/04/19. Teachers think there should be compulsory LGBT+ relationships classes in school, but some parents are opposed to this idea.


This day was an introduction to what we will be doing next year, and how to put on a live show, how to gather ideas and be ready to talk about them in just a few minutes.

Found the people I’ll interview.

  • Tomasz Dudar, 26. Polish man who discovered that being gay was possible when he was about 14. Before that, he juste thought he was meant to be born as a woman.
  • Dominic Craig, 24. Student who had to deal with people saying he was gay at school before he even realised he really was. Was bullied for many years.
  • Amirah Thornbell-Dunwell, 23. Mental health support worker at a LGBT+ centre. 