Digital Journalism Two Workbook- Ameera Raidhan

15 May Digital Journalism Two Workbook- Ameera Raidhan


Topic for Infographic: Suicide

Highest suicide rates?

Male or Female or both?

In the UK were is the highest suicide rate?


  • Plan: To create an infographic informing people in the UK on the facts and figures of suicide. This is to highlight to anyone who would read this to reach out to anyone to help/get them help. Also, create this awareness for any one thinking of suicide to try and get some help.
  • Sources: World Health Organization, Mental Health Organization.
  • World Health Organizations data didn’t give me the data needed to create an infographic, therefore I am looking to other sources.
  • Samaritans have produced their own information using data that is currently unknown, have contacted them via Twitter.


  • Samaritans get their data from the ONS (Office for National Statistics)
  • Only data available is from 2017 onwards.
  • 5,821 deaths due to suicide were registered in 2017.
  • Male suicide is at its lowest since 1981.
  • Male suicide us at 15.5 deaths per 100,000 compared to female which is 4.9 deaths per 100,00.
  • 45-49 are ages most common in men whereas, 50-54 is the most common in women.
  • Scotland has the highest amount of rates and England the lowest.

Plan for the Infographic:

  • Create a graph showing the highest rates in the UK for women and men.
  • Show the difference between women and men.
At this point in my infographic I started to struggle and realised that I didn’t really have an angle. I also didn’t know how to go about it. I then waited to meet with LJ after Easter to get guidance on how to fix this issue and create an angle. LJ suggested writing my Infographic story and the creating the Infographic. 


Infographic Story Plan:

  • Introduction:

Discuss the rates of Male suicide, the areas in the UK it is at its highest (Scotland), the ages and what families go through one takes their life.

  • Paragraph One:

Talk about ‘Calm Project Eight Four’, the life of a mans daughter and her experience since her father took his own life- the causes of his death.

Include discussions about society: the change in society allowing mental health to be more openly discussed, how some parts of society aren’t changing and how we need to change to create a change.

  • Paragraph Two:

Include talks about the health care system, how many of those included in ‘Calm Project 84’, discussed the fact that the NHS didn’t give enough help and often turned them away. Refer to the story of those lives lost through their family members.

  • Paragraph Three:

Small discussion about social media, its impact and how its helped but also caused a stir in terms of mental health. As, much as it allows the topic to be talked openly- is that really a good thing?

  • Conclusion:

One line to end the story on a dramatic note.

Infographic Plan:

  • Title
  • Quote from ‘Calm Project Eight Four’
  • Graph from ONS using data of the highest male suicide rates in the UK.
  • 45-49 most common age in male suicide
  • Graph of suicide by in 2017
  • Scotland had the highest male suicide rate in 2017.
  • Graph showing the decline in male suicide rates since 1981.
After meeting with Michael he suggested changing my infographic around, as the colours didn’t make it very clear and I have two graphs overlapping just with a different header. I also need to add a map and change the image of the figures to actual counted figures. Also, the Infographic story has too many angle and needs one focus point leaving a trail of the Infographic. 


 New Infographic Story Plan:

  • Introduction: Keeping the same introduction just dramatizing it less and adding more facts in to keep it to the point.
  • Paragraph One: Talk about ‘Calm Project Eight Four’, the life of a mans daughter and her experience since her father took his own life- the causes of his death. Include discussions about society: the change in society allowing mental health to be more openly discussed, how some parts of society aren’t changing and how we need to change to create a change.
  • Paragraph Two: Discuss points made in article byThe British Psychological Society’, written by Dr Funke. About how health issues in middle aged men is the reason behind why suicide isn’t diagnosed by health professionals and how 45-49 is the highest rate in male suicide.
  • Conclusion: Talk about mental health, the evolve of society, the organisations now out there available and how ‘CALM PROJECT 84’, is encouraging men to speak out before ending their life.

Infographic Plan:

  • Keep the same title and quote.
  • Change the graph, only highlighting the highest rates in the UK and also changing the colour scheme to make it clearer.
  • Add figures representing the rates of different ages of male suicide, highlighting and quoting ages 45-49.
  • Add a map showing Scotland to have the highest rates since 2005 (Northern Ireland used to have the highest).
  • Also add a little graph showing the rates are higher for men than women (15.5 for men and 4.9 for women).
  • Add a quote of the suicide rate in total in the UK.
  • Also include hotlines that wold be useful to both men and women of different ages.

