British Podcast Awards

13 May British Podcast Awards

The idea behind starting this podcast has changed over the months as the idea has evolved. Initially it started as me wanting to start a podcast with a friend who I planned to go into business with because I wanted to shed light on different aspects of our lives growing up as second-generation millennials and trying to succeed in different ventures, or doing things outside of the norm from what our parents wanted to do. The idea changed because I had more clarity for a different target audience and the concept behind it. Although I wanted to remain the same with expressing views and opinions on different aspects of lives, it was now going to have a specific way of talking through issues and highlight what each host has experienced.

I wanted it to be fun but shed light on serious topics centred around millennials because I felt like there haven’t been enough voices for us to speak openly about issues, and having conversations like this shows that we all may be sharing experiences but in different ways. So my target audience was predominantly for people in their teens, 20s and 30s although all ages could listen and learn a thing or two about our mindsets. Speaking to Rebecca highlighted the fact I could use different voices, meaning people from different backgrounds, cultures and walks of life, I aim to incorporate that as the episodes continue.

