A Podcast about Mental Health at London South Bank University

10 May A Podcast about Mental Health at London South Bank University


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Lead in: Hello and welcome to JLDN Radio! Mental Health awareness has become an important topic in today’s society so one of our reporters Isabella Ehrlicher has gone out on our University campus to find out what LSBU offers to students who suffer from Mental health diseases.

Back announcement: This was Isabella Ehrlicher presenting from London Southbank University, to make students aware that there is a lot of support provided by the uni to help make our life easier. So if you ever feel like you need to talk to someone hit the Mental health support team up or check their site on myLSBU out!

Pod cut 1: 0.50 min

Pod cut 2: 1.32 min



7.4.2019 -> I made my Idea on what I want to talk about in my podcast. I first wanted to focus on mental health in general but quickly decided that I would like to focus it on LSBU. I thought about who to talk to and decided that I wanted to have a professional opinion of a psychologist, a student who would talk to me about what they think about the mental health support at LSBU and a member of the LSBU mental health support

14.4.2019 -> I wrote my script for the introduction and the outro and emailed the mental health support team from LSBU. The came back to me with a no as an answer. I wrote my introduction where I present some facts and figures I got these statistics off gov.uk

20.4.2019 -> I talked to Thomas Steinbock a psychologist from Germany who lived and worked in the UK for many years. He is specialized in mental health behaviour and disorders. On the same evening, we had the interview and he told me how this all works and connects.

28.4.2019 -> After a meeting with Michael telling him that the mental health support team from LSBU didn’t want to talk to me he suggested me to speak to Dr Jenny Owen the student life experience co-Ordinator. I emailed her the same day and she was very helpful.

30.4.2019 -> I walked around the university to get my sounds of students in the student life centre. Afterwards, I spoke to Alex who is a student at LSBU and he gave me a short interview on what he thinks about mental health support.

5.5.2019 -> I had my Interview with Dr Jenny Owen. She gave me a great interview and I realized that she knows a lot about each individual student. It is her Job to help students in every life situation and with every problem, they might face. After I got all my Interviews I Recorded My introduction so I had all my sound clips together.

7.5.2019 -> I started editing the podcast where I faced some difficulties because I wasn’t very used to it. It came out well although my interviews where all a bit too long so it was difficult to decide which part was important and which wasn’t.

9.5.2019 -> I finished up editing and everything the podcast is ready to upload.

10.5.2019 -> I uploaded the Podcast on Soundcloud did the last edits on my workbook. I wrote down the pod cuts and wrote my lead in and back announcement. Then I was ready to upload everything to the submission website.

Link to Workbook: http://www.lsbu-multimedia-journalists.co.uk/ehrlicher/2019/05/10/podcast-workbook/
