Golden Eagle

15 Mar Golden Eagle

‘Golden Eagle’ is a documentary about golden eagles in Scotland and the and the challenges they have been facing to survive on the land of the United Kingdom. A film highlighting the fact that wildlife and humans can only live along each other when people become willing to compromise with their lifestyle, and learn to share the land with raptors. Even without profit. This documentary aims to educate people about the life of golden eagles and why they have been thriving in the most remote places instead of live and thrive amongst people. The targeted audience is 14-60 years old from all over the world.

The last golden eagle in England was last spotted nearly four years ago in 2015, presumed dead, marking their extinction from England and leaving Scotland the only place in Britain where these magnificent raptors could be seen.

Golden eagles were intially distributed all across Europe but by the eighteen century they were hunted and consequntly extinct over huge areas in Europe. They never really extinct from Britain but following human persecution eventually led to their extinction from England and Wales. Thankfuly, they found sanctuary in Scotland where they are protected by law but unfortuantely not everyone respects these laws and everybody appreaciates raptors.

Robin Reid, a conservation officer for RSPB said: “Golden eagles is really a species of open ground, open moorland. And people think of them as an iconic species of mountains but the reality is the reason why their population is largely restricted to the mountains is because that’s where humans have driven them to. So they’re quite capable of occupying agricultural landscapes much closer to people and, I think they will do in future”

Indeed, one bold project in the south of Scotland could not only boost golden eagle’s population across the region, but also bring them back to England. And may be even put an end to the century’s old battle between landowners and wildlife protectors. The Aouth of Scotland Golden Eagle Project released three young golden eagles in the south of Scotland area in the summer of 2017 in a hope to boost their population across the region.They have been working on the project with local farmers, landowners and inspiring children from local schools via school lessons and practical activities.

