Youness Rhout VT and Radio Submission

12 Dec Youness Rhout VT and Radio Submission


Ananda – Presenter/Editor

Bethany – Written Piece

Lorna – Filming

Youness – Research

Amira – Research


Although I had a role to play in most VT’s throughout the semester, I feel this VT came out the best. I found that many people were unwilling to talk about this topic in particular because they either didn’t want their personal views to be broadcast or were too embarrassed to do so. The people I did manage to find with an expert opinion were willing to speak but could not attend due to the limited time available and therefore I could only find and use the two students who are seen in the VT.



For the JLDN radio show on October 19th, I was the bulletins presenter on the day. My part on the show is from 00:11 to 3:33. The other bulletins presenter on the day was absent and therefore I had to present the bulletins alone, which wasn’t a problem and I felt comfortable doing it alone once I was shown how things work in the radio studio. When we went live at 3pm we were in a bit of a rush due to scripts and other files being handed in late which meant that there was also a delay with the delivery of the scripts, during this rush I forgot to check my microphone which was placed the wrong way at the start but was then corrected and moved quickly.

