VT and Radio Submission

13 Dec VT and Radio Submission

The VT is about the future of the MeToo Campaign , how it has affected women in the working class industry and the main goal of the movement . Presented by James Marson, and produced by Valeria Nesterenko, Daisy Prince and Jade Adams for JLDN. The date of the live show that the VT was in is 06/12/18
In this VT i have taken part in controlling the filming process by being there and giving advice whilst filming . I have also edited the package on my own for the first time. This package was supposed to be a collaboration with the girls from Ryerson university , Toronto,Canada , however we faced some issues. They were supposed to send our group some GVs , Vox pops and an interview with an expert by Wednesday afternoon , however we have received only an interview late night Wednesday , which meant that there was limited amount of time left for me to edit , and as we were expecting more material from them , we have realised that we do not have enough GVs . As the live show goes out on Wednesday , but i have only started editing on Wednesday morning , we didn’t have enough time to go and get more GVs , thus my group had to improvise and quickly get some GVs of the staff in university. There is no PTC , however one of the lecturers said that i should include the Lower Third of the present even though he is not in the shot.
I think that this VT taugh my group a good lesson – that no matter whether you are doing a collaboration , you should always rely on yourself and get more material that needed in case things go wrong , as they did in this “collaboration” .
This JLDN News show went live on 26/10/18
I have been presenting the show with Hannah Crowe.
Those are times that you can hear me speaking and can find my contribution to the show.
As on of the presenters i have helped writing the script and adjusting it to a more convenient way in order for me and Hannah to read it during the show. Before the show I have also went through all of the names in the script in order to pronounce them correctly . I do feel that the way that i have presented could have been more confident and relaxed -but it only comes with experience -, however everything that i say is clearly understood . During the show the producers told us the we are facing a small technical difficulties and that we have to improvise and talk for some time , fortunately this was only for a couple of seconds , this may be found in between 8:41-9:39. This was really stressful even though it has lasted only for seconds , however it portrayed the importance of really knowing what the show is about , what each VT is about , and has also showed that it is essential for you as a presenter to have some news papers in the studio just in case you have to talk about something spontaneously .