VT and Radio Submission

14 Dec VT and Radio Submission

What will Brexit mean for student visas?

We asked how Brexit will affect both EU and non-EU students studying abroad.

For this VT I worked on researching the story and writing up the script, helped with the filming of GVs and conducted the interview with the expert. I also wrote the 300 word accompanying article. Ananda was in charge of filming and editing and found the expert and arranged the interview with him. Amira was the reporter and did all the voiceovers. George and Seb did not have a role this week.


Theresa May says final Brexit agreement is ‘within our grasp’

News Bulletins from the 15:00 live radio show on the 22nd November 2018, written and edited by News Editor, Beth Deer.

For this particular radio show I was the News Editor for the bulletins and had Ananda and Yasser as the presenters. I spent the day on IRN keeping up to date with what the hourly bulletins were and updating the running order every half an hour, alternating between bulletins and headlines. I would keep the stories mainly the same just with updated information, especially with Brexit as it was a developing story throughout the day. In order to give the bulletins more credibility and different sounds I would take clips from IRN, ensuring they were exported correctly and use them within the bulletins. I didn’t have an assistant news editor this particular day so I would write everything up in the running order and go into the studio with the presenters when it was time to go live. I chose to keep Brexit as the top story for both the bulletins and the headlines throughout the day as it is such a huge story and was developing so listeners would want to hear new information.

start time 0:35

end time 3:45

