Seb Maxam submission

14 Dec Seb Maxam submission


26th October

Now, if you’re a commuter, someone who frequently uses trains, or you think that travel is too expensive, you might want to pay attention to the next story.

This is the news that National Rail have announced a new railcard, which could make travel a lot cheaper. Oscar Bevis has more.

(It was my job to put the script together for this package, to contact national rail and get quotes from them, to get vox pops, and to edit the package)

VT Package:

2nd December

The rate of sexual assaults on university campuses has now said to have increased to a very high rate. We sent reporter Hadrian Fletcher to investigate.

It was my job to be the news editor in this VT. I had to write a script, secure an interview, help get vox pops and direct the shooting of the VT. In my group were Hadrian Fletcher who presented the VT, Oscar Bevis, who edited the package, and George Iddenden who was the cameraman, and wrote the written piece.
