James Marson Radio and VT Submission

13 Dec James Marson Radio and VT Submission

The VT was on the MeToo campaign and the future of the movement in regards to the progress they are hoping to make and there goals of the campaign. Broadcasted on the 6th of December 2018.

In this package I had the role of presenting the piece and doing the voice over. This was my first time presenting. Even though the voice overs took a few takes, with the guidance of my team, managed to read my lines with little issues. The VT its self was a collaboration between the LSBU and Ryerson University in Toronto on the MeToo movement. During the process of creating our VT, we experienced some difficulty with collaboration when the Ryersons students failed to send the material required, however this was soon corrected.

For me this particular VT package was important not just because of the important issues talked about on it, but also because this was the first time I had presented. For previous VTs I lacked the confidence to speak in the packages, but in this one i was successfully and made little error in my role.

The package aired on the last live show of the semester, on the 6th of December 2018.



JLDN Live Radio show which went live on the 26th of October 2018. Presented by Hannah Crowe and Valeria Nesterenko, with Isabel Rose on bulletins, and James Marson as producer. On the show that week was stories on the rise in commuters fainting on tube, an update on the latest Ryanair incident, slave trade reparation payments from universities, the latest from Philip Greens embroilment in the MeToo movement, and a story on the 26 to 30 Railcards.

My role for this radio show was producer. This was my second week as produce, the first week didn’t go as well as I hoped. This show though went a lot more smoothly. I managed to keep track of all the on the day reporters creating content for the show and make sure there content was available on time for the show. I also completed kept up to speed with Inception and created the running order using Inception, and made sure the two presenter had there scripts ready on time. I also had to lead the morning editorial meeting to make sure we had the content for the show and so we could sign reporters to each story to create a package. Following this, I also led the meeting before the show to make sure everyone knew what was going on, there duties and how the show was to plan out.
