Amira Elshemi VT and Radio Submission

13 Dec Amira Elshemi VT and Radio Submission

Is London Really The Number One Place To Study In Worldwide?

The QS Higher Education group concluded that London is the number one city to study in across the globe. Is this really the case? We went out to ask students what they thought.

My role in this VT was the reporter. I managed to open the VT with an introductory explanation on what the VT would be covering. I also got to interview people on their opinions on the topic and asked them questions on whether London really is the number one place to study worldwide. I approached people throughout the day aiming to question people who were international students and London students too; this was to create a clear contrast between both parties. I also did the voice over disclosing information about the QS Higher Education group and other countries that made the cut. Beth did most of the research and Ananda helper her. Beth also filmed the VT and had Seb to help her during filming. Ananda booked out the film equipment and completely edited the VT. George did the 300 words.

This video streamed on the 10/10/18.

Fake News and All Things Brexit 

Bulletins from the 1:30 headlines by Yasser Iqbal. He was the News Bulletin Presenter 1 and I was the assistant news editor and did the running order for his piece.

START: 01:00

FINISH: 02:23

Beth was the news editor and I was the assistant news editor. Every half an hour we would check for recent and developing news stories that have just come out. We would also accompany the bulletin reporters and print out every update that came through. I assisted Beth by helping her find the stories and cut out audio clips if needed for the show. When Yasser was taken into the radio studio I went with him to make sure everything was in check and did the running order where I clicked on which items to broadcast.

This radio show went live on 29/11/18.
