Aimee Gabay Radio and VT Submission

12 Dec Aimee Gabay Radio and VT Submission

DreamToys announce top Christmas toys for 2018

Our reporters investigate the pressure Christmas spending puts on low-budget students.

Package aired: 15 November 2018

For this particular VT package I took on the role of researcher and script writer. Prior to the event I got in contact with the organisers of the Dreamtoys event with the help of another student in the class and secured each of us tickets for entry. Gabe Toner phoned them and we were assured media passes and opportunities to interview experts at the venue. Before the event I wrote out the script and interview/vox questions with all the relevant research I had gathered and then attended the event with the other members of my team to help with filming and script editing at the scene. I also ensured photos were sent to the social media editor. In the script I also suggested filming sequences and what angles to consider filming. Gabe took on the role of editor, camera person and picture editor. He overlooked the general editorial content and suggested edits and possible alternative angles. He also filmed the content and edited all the footage afterwards. Gabe also came up with alternative interview questions at the scene as we unexpectedly managed to interview someone who was of greater value to the piece than originally anticipated. Jessie Dunn was the presenter of our package and therefore recorded our voiceover and piece-to-camera. Meshanda Cyrus wrote the written piece for the JLDN website. 

Brexit causing a stir on social media

Social media editor Aimee Gabay’s radio bulletin on what’s trending in the lead up to our show that aired November, 16.

Package aired: 16 November 2018

This week I was meant to take on the role of social media assistant but the editor, Izzy, was unwell so I took her place. Aside from my regular responsibilities which consisted of publishing content on the social media channels, pre-recording some content, scheduling and engaging online, I was given the challenge of creating a social media bulletin for that day’s radio show. I spent the majority of the day on Twitter keeping up to date with what was trending and looking out for particular tweets that may have been of interest to our audience. I also wrote a script for the radio show that I would later present which shared these findings. I had to be conscious of the constantly evolving news stories of the day and respond to breaking information and last minute changes. For this reason, I created a script with gaps to insert the tweets and hashtags that were most recent and relevant at the last minute and had a bank of the ones I was most likely going to use on hand to input the very last minute. These were then presented on the radio show. The aim was to collect an array of content that would interest our target audience, being informative but also with some humour.
