A block in Bells Garden Estate without an entry phone raise an awful amount of Anti-Social Behaviour.

13 Dec A block in Bells Garden Estate without an entry phone raise an awful amount of Anti-Social Behaviour.

Many campaigns and petitions have been brought up to the council to install an entry phone into one of the blocks in Bells Garden Estate. Without an entry phone, the block has had very high rates of antisocial behavior happening in the stairwells.

Prostitutes and drug dealers use the blocks for business and rough sleepers make their home in the stairwells. Residents feel unsafe to live in such a block. Children need to be escorted in and out of the building to keep them safe.

“I have been witnessed to human excrement left in the stairwells and a rough sleeper starting a fire to keep warm on the stairs”, says councilor Paul Wright, who has been trying to help residents and get this block what it needs to be a safe again.

A local resident, who prefers to stay anonymous, has lived there since 1997. He says when he first moved in, it was a much better area that it is now and over the year it has gotten worst.

He has been part of campaigns and petition for over 6 years now, he states that living in such a block it is “horrible”. He says he very often get off work earlier to make sure his children get home safely and he hopes that council does make this block as a priority.
