“We all make mistakes and I am sorry” – Cristinel Samson told the jury

28 Nov “We all make mistakes and I am sorry” – Cristinel Samson told the jury


Eight men all charged with conspiracy to transport illegal tobacco  and the transportation of illegal immigrates to the United Kingdom has been heard at Woolwich Crown Court today. Mr Samson to pleads guilty to the charges was cross examined by Prosecutor Sharp, as the jury heard evidence from Cristinel Samson on his involvement in the transportation of illegal immigrates from Watten in France to The UK around May 2017.


The court heard how Cristinel Samson gave tobacco to an associate Mr. Alan Hoger as a favour after transporting it from Calais to the United Kingdom on the 27th January 2017, when actually he was carrying nine immigrates across the boarder to the United Kingdom. The court then heard how Prosecutor Sharp asked Mr. Samson you was given the opportunity to smuggle immigrate, to which Mr. Samson replied “If you say so”.


During the cross examination of Cristinel Samson, Mr. Samsom said “I didn’t know selling tobacco was wrong and I am sorry”. After he then continued to say that “We all make mistakes and I am sorry”.


The trail still continues, as the jury must still hear evidence from the defence council.


