Third man charged in Russell Jones murder, claims innocence and makes shocking revelations

28 Nov Third man charged in Russell Jones murder, claims innocence and makes shocking revelations

Russell Jones, 23, was stabbed to death, whilst with a friend near South street where they were both attacked in March.

 Martin Kallum of cuckoo Hall Lane, Enfield, was charged with murder in June. Kallum claims that he did not know defendants Bilkaner Bilkan and Duke Quainoo personally, and only offered to give them a ride to a party in Enfield.

Mr Kallum appeared at the Old bailey on 21st November and told Judge Mr Justice Jacobs, he was contacted via snapchat by a friend about a party in Enfield, and told to drive, as there was not any space in his car. Kallum offered to give Quainoo and Bilkaner, a ride to the party along with two other passengers.

Mr Kallum claims that they were not able to locate the party, and all passengers, which included Mr Bilkaner and Mr Quainoo got off by south street, as he made his way back home.

Mr Kallum told prosecutor Mark Dennis, that Bilkaner had given him two notes to see what he was going to say to the defence.

When asked by prosecution, if anything on the statement provided by Bilkaner was true, Kallum told judge Mr Justice Jacobs, “No”.

The trial continues.

