Role critique – Bulletins presenter

15 May Role critique – Bulletins presenter

During the week of 5th-9th of March, I was the bulletins presenter for both the video and radio shows. Whilst preparing for Tuesday’s show, I worked closely with the bulletins editor in developing the script that was read out on air – I rewrote the initial script, so that I would be more comfortable reading it out on air, reducing the chance of me stumbling over something difficult to say. I believe that my delivery was good, but I didn’t always maintain eye contact to the camera, so I would be more careful with that next time. I also would like to practice making my breaks between bulletin items a little more natural, like by briefly looking down at the script.

During the radio show, I had to fill both the bulletin editor and presenter roles. I was responsible for selecting a range of stories, and keeping them updated every 30 minutes. This taught me to work at a much quicker pace than I usually do, as there was no time to stop in between broadcasts. I believe I performed well, given that I was performing two roles at once. Having the chance to do it again, I would try to change up the stories I featured a bit more, as I didn’t have the time in between broadcasts to completely rework the bulletin,
