bulletin presenter – Nooria Hammadi

14 May bulletin presenter – Nooria Hammadi

One of my roles for the live shows was a bulletin presenter, this was a challenging role for me, as i had to speak in a formal dialect which i am not use to also i felt pressured and anxious as i was in the spotlight. This may be because i have not done this before. if i could do this differently i would practice more and drink a lot more water due to me anxious feelings . I would also write my own script, as i did not write my own this time i found it difficult to follow the auto-cue.

I don’t like to be in the spotlight but i was very proud of myself as i fought through my anxiety and done it nevertheless. What i learnt through this whole procedure is that it is not as bad as it seems and once you complete the task you realise that it was a lot better than i imagined it to be. Although i would never want to do a follow-up task of this nature again i am glad that i done it and i would maybe rehearse my lines thoroughly and more often, if i could go speech training for a higher amount of confidence and less anxiety when presented with a challenge like this.

