Unpaid interships

14 Dec Unpaid interships

With the cost of living and travel growing are unpaid internships more harmful than useful? reports Remeka Washington-Wint


VT2 members

Remeka Washington-Wint – Reporter, Research

Leanne Cresswell- Booked kit, Research, Editor

Theo Giles- Group editor, Camera operator, Research

Angela Ansari- Written piece

For our first weeks contribution to the live shows we did a piece about unpaid internships and how they are not always helpful in furthering student careers. As it was the first show we stayed on campus where we were able to find all interviews Vox’s and GV’s. My role was to be a reporter so before filming I tried to help giving ideas about the script and researching the story. Once we began filming I took direction from Theo who was the group editor and was able to offer feedback and adapt to create the best piece we could. I don’t think we had the best communication as a group but the outcome of the project was good. Everything came together in the end despite our communication issues.

