Sexual Harassment on public transport – Delina Petiros

14 Dec Sexual Harassment on public transport – Delina Petiros

image: caters news agent


The Sun posted a video uploaded on Facebook by a commuter, showing the aftermath of a woman potentially being sexually harassed.
We asked the people of Elephant and Castle about their sexual harassment experiences and how they’ve dealt with it.
Delina Petiros & Remeka Washington Wint.

I proposed to cover this topic during our morning meeting after seeing an article on The Sun, and news editor Laura approved it. I went to the station and to the shopping centre to record voxes  with Remeka and Francisca. I also edited the clip once we’re back in the newsroom and uploaded the package on all platforms. Unfortunately we couldn’t manage to get an expert interview and we also couldn’t record voiceovers in the studio because used for bulletins so there’s a bit of echo that I unsuccessfully tried to fix on Audition.
