Printworks- This new club threatens local families

12 May Printworks- This new club threatens local families


Mothers feel increasingly concerned about the opening of the new massive day rave venue Printworks, close to a primary school and early excellence centre.

Presenter (In Studio): For students in London clubbing is one of the main aspects. A new club on the scene is causing a huge stir in Rotherhithe and Surrey Quays due to its location. Printworks is the newest mega club, rich in heritage due to its unique location in an old printing office. JLDN reporter George Timberlake has been to investigate the concerns from the locals.

My contribution: I was the presenter in this piece, I wrote the script for the PTC and voiceover. I reordered the voice over, and researched about the club getting correct facts and figures.

Patch 3- Rotherhithe- Laura and Francisca.

