Furry nice to meet you

12 May Furry nice to meet you

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We take to the streets and local pet groomers to figure out why there has been such an increase in household pets.


The rise in household pets means that we are getting our companionship from our furry friends rather than our human counter parts, however in some areas this increase has been at an incredible rate. Every year the PFMA which is the pet food manufacturers association, commissions the well respected pet population report, which looks in detail at pet ownership trends. In 2016 it is estimated that 11 million (40% of) households have pets. The pet population stands at around 57 million. Could we soon be overcrowded by our pets? We set out to find out from our local groomers in East Dulwich.


Groomer 1 – Hair and Hound

Groomer 2- Maison dog

Groomer 3 – Loyalty dog groomers


It seems as though the percentage in owning and looking after pets will continue to increase, as we begin to look into the relationships we have have with our pets, and to ask whether the frequently intense emotions we feel towards our cats, dogs and even pet birds are truly reciprocated. This is Barbara Onwumere reporting for Journalism London.


Pet’s corner: Does your pet love you?


