Camberwell’s high Air Pollution putting wildlife at risk

11 May Camberwell’s high Air Pollution putting wildlife at risk

With air pollution in Camberwell’s main area’s almost double the EU limit, we took to the streets to see if residents were concerned about losing out on it’s picturesque wildlife. Pascal Kempson reports.


Within this VT, I took the role of presenting as well as assisting in the edit. I have written the script for what I am saying, including voiceovers. On the shoot, I tried to be as prepared and natural as possible when doing my piece to camera as well as talking to individuals from the general public. In the edit, I was assisted by my team members from a decision viewpoint.


“On to pollution now, JLDN reporter Pascal Kempson has been down in Camberwell discussing the Camberwell Butterfly and the effects of air pollution on the wildlife their. Here’s the story.”
