Production log: week 3

production log

17 Feb Production log: week 3

Production log

Week 3:

This week was our first live show. As I was assigned to be in a sports beat, we focused our aim on sports related things around uni. Our first VT was a LSBU vs. Middlesex basketball game that took place 8th of February in the LSBU sports centre. I attended the event with Matt and we interviewed the LSBU basketball team captain Mohammed Osman Hussein before and after the match. We also got good footage of the match and got to see the tense athmosphere of the game. However, the game lasted longer than we thought, so Matt and me had to go back the next day when there was daylight, at 3pm, to film his piece to camera.

The radio piece for this week was ‘How active are LSBU students’, which Matt and Nevan went to get very last minute. The plan was for Matt to get an interview Friday, but it didn’t pan out, so we had to do change the plan. My job this week was to edit the video VT, add the music and lower thirds.

During the first day (Monday) I was home with after waves of aggressive stomach flu. However, I used my time to do both my dissertation and the post (short description and image) for for this week. I also uploaded the video and audio and created a Hotmail and dropbox users for my sports beat ( Password: MattNevanMillie).

Feeling a bit better, I came to the live show Tuesday. We also had newsroom training, mine being with the camera equipment. The whole Tuesday was hectic and busy. I wrote the script for the radio show and went through with it with Monique and Nevan. We also had a dry run after that our first radio show. My job during the first rotation was radio producer, so my jobs included: making the script, maintaining the radio room while on air, making sure the levels were alright, the show was on time and recording, and that the VT’s were on right order.

The first week was very hard, but also taught me a lot. I learned how to use the radio room under pressure and how to give quick, informative instructions to the presenters (Nevan and Monique), as well as how to write a script for the audio. Although some of the audio show cut out and we went overtime, it was a good first try and a much needed lesson.

We did not have class next day and I spent the day in library trying to do research for my dissertation.


Milena Puolamaki

Hello, I am small town girl living in the big city studying journalism. I'm originally from Finland, but I found my home in London and now I'm living the dream.