Ultimo pt 2 review Palace By Jacob Dickinson

09 Jan Ultimo pt 2 review Palace By Jacob Dickinson

Another mediocre launch from London based brand Palace Skateboards

It’s all been seen before and it’s just starting to get tiring.

The queue for Ultimo Pt 2 Captured by Jack Farnhill-Hill (@jackfarnhillbain on Instagram)

Less than a month after Palace Skateboard’s debut of the ‘Ultimo’ capsule the second half (Ultimo pt.2)  was released on December 16th at the flagship store in London.

The lack of creativity is getting tiring now and how dependent Palace is on it’s heavy branding is just monotonous. We’ve seen their name being screamed at you in big letters ( P A L A C E) and the signature logo – the ‘Tri-Ferg’ used on their garments wherever their designers can fit them.

Leo Mandella (@gullyguyleo on Instagram) in the Velour tracksuit

The collection consisted of hoodies, t-shirts, hats, shoes and a pair of trousers. It was dull, at best. The only item that really stood out was the velour tracksuit, which was part of a collaboration with adidas.

One thing i think that Palace got correct with this collection was the utilisation of different materials to make the collection suitable for more than one purpose. The velour of the tracksuit, a knitted polo and a thermal hoodie which helps to withstand cold temperatures of winter.

It still baffles me that these collections sell out. I think it’s only a matter of time until that ‘Tri-Ferg’ novelty wears off.

I rate this collection 2/5 stars.
