Portfolio website

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09 Jan Portfolio website

Welcome to my portfolio website. I have designed this website with my goal of working within the realms of charity and/or conservation in mind.

1. Homepage

For the homepage I have used a scrolling static page. This area of my website covers a lot of ground including showcasing some of my work, my photography skills via my ‘photo of the week’ post grid and a miniature bio discussing what my interests are.

Bridget Mulrooney homepage

2. Elements of the homepage: Photo of the week

I introduced the ‘photo of the week’ feature as a fun, bitesized way to further show off my photography skills. This feature also gives me a format on which to upload frequently with ease to help ensure that my website always has recent content.

Bridget Mulrooney Photo of the week

3. Blog post

Here is an example of my house style. A standfirst comes before the image, which is ran within the article or blog post. The text that follows is interspersed with photo galleries, videos and audio from soundcloud where applicable. A sidebar of recent posts and archives features on the right hand side.

4. Articles

Within my website I have also included some serious articles in addition to the more conversational and casual blog posts. I believe that showing a potential employer that I am capable of both writing styles will be beneficial in my post graduate job hunt.

5. Photography 

My photography page is split into categories showcasing the different areas of photography I have experience in. These are predominantly equine and portraiture, but I have also included some of my landscape and uncategorised photos. The Photography page is minimalist in order not to draw attention away from the images.

Bridget Mulrooney

First year journalism student