Lewis Parker Portfolio Website

09 Jan Lewis Parker Portfolio Website

Welcome to my portfolio website. I have built and designed this website with the goal of working as a digital producer/freelance writer within the political and campaigning sector.


Lewis Parker homepage introduction, January 2017

For the homepage I have used a scrolling static page with a background video. This area of my website is the main page and focus which highlights my most recent work – including clients who have previously hired me for projects – shows some of my recent writing, and includes a contact form to allow correspondence between potential clients and myself. It begins with a brief introduction to myself and what I do.


Latest writing section, January 2017

For this section I decided to use a slider that shows some of my recent writing with a featured image. I had to resize each image to make them consistent with the house style, and also reworded some of the articles to keep them in the same tense. This allows the user to easily find and read a handpicked selection of my writing by simply clicking on either the featured image or the title.


Lewis’ Portfolio, January 2017

I decided to add this section to the homepage to highlight my most recent, and what I believed to be my best work. It allows the viewer to hover over each image to see what campaign I worked on, and should they click on the image they will be redirected to a single page which outlines to brief of the project and shows the finished result.


Ben Bradshaw Portfolio Section, January 2017.

If the viewer wishes to view some of my previous work then they can click on one of the images featured in the portfolio section on the homepage. This will then take them to the relevant page for each campaign that will include the brief I received and the work I produced.


Press and Media Section, January 2017

Because the area I wish to work in also often requires the producer/strategist to talk to various media organisations and act as a public voice, I decided to create a section that showcases my media appearances – that is accessed through the top navigation bar . Each appearance is embedded from the various media source with a brief description of what it is.
