Portfolio – Zoe Collier

15 Dec Portfolio – Zoe Collier

Website Screen Grabs for ZoeCollier.co.uk:A New Angle – Huntington Theme

1. Logo

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My first screen grab is of my website logo. As the domain of my website is zoecollier.co.uk, I decided to make a logo that reflected this instead of A New Angle as this was more of a slogan. I designed the logo in photoshop and decided on a red, black and white colour scheme as I think that these colours compliment each other well. As a lot of my posts revolve around social media, I mated speech bubbles that look like ones that you would have online or on your phone to represent the style of my website. I used a more scripted font for my initials in the logo and then a serif font for the .co.uk as this is close to the fonts that you would have in a search bar online. My logo is on the ‘About’ page on my website and also at the top of the menu bar.

2. Portfolio Homepage

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My second screen grab is of the homepage for my portfolio. The first four tiles are of the projects that I have put on my website so far. If you hover over each tile it will highlight it and tell you what the project is called. I designed each of my tiles on photoshop as I wanted a recurring theme throughout and that it all matched. They each have a similar black, white and grey colour scheme with the same font used throughout. For each tile I created an image that suited it’s story, for example, the multimedia report about selfies has a phone on a selfie stick. I created the outline of each so that the images were simple yet effective. The written report about tattoos has a tattoo gun and the photo story has a camera. I used the blur tool a few times whilst creating these, for the selfie stick and for the camera so that the lens stood out. The youth unemployment has a job sign with a line through it as I wasn’t sure what icon would best represent this.

3. Menu BarScreen Shot 2015-12-15 at 11.30.33

This is a screenshot of my menu bar on my website. I like this menu as it is hidden out of view until you click on it. I have separated my portfolio into categories and if the post is relevant to this category, it will appear when you click on it. I think it is very simple and easy to follow, the menu box appears on each page so it is easy to navigate around the website. I also like the strikethrough effect on the words when you are clicked on a certain page, it is a simple yet creative way to highlight it. I also have an about page on the website and a contact page.

4. Multimedia Report

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One of the posts on my website is my multimedia report about the selfie craze. The first screenshot is of part of the written piece and the interactive pie charts. The pie charts give you the key when you scroll over them which also works on a mobile device. I got the statistics from a survey that I created myself and had 76 responses. The written piece gives an overall summary of the survey and also has hyperlinks about different press that the selfie craze has received, positive and negative. The second screenshot is of my gallery of selfies that social media users sent me with their statement about why they uploaded it. If you scroll over each a block scrolls up with name, age and their statement. I have 16 selfies all together on this page. The layout of this page flows very well and I have the video in between both of these elements.

5. Team Member & Social Media Accounts

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The next screenshots are on my ‘About’ page, it has a team member element that has my photograph and links to all of my social media accounts which are little icons. The other screenshots are of my social media accounts. I have Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo and Instagram accounts for my website where I have posted the articles that are on my website and any photographs that I have used. I think this is a very good way to spread my posts and articles over many different platforms and it is an easy way to access my work.

link to screenshots

link to website

link to job advert

Zoe Collier