Portfolio website: Samantha Masters

15 Dec Portfolio website: Samantha Masters

Website: Samantha-masters.co.uk

Theme: Vanilla

Below are 5 screen grabs to explain my choices of my website presentation and posts.

  • Theme

I chose the theme Vanilla as it stood out amongst the others that I looked at. It consisted of vibrant colours and had a block layout. I wanted a theme that stood out as a lot of blogs consist of a black and white theme, and I wanted mine to be different. I have designed my own logo which is a scripted text of my first name, I wanted to keep this quite simple, so this has remained black with a white background colour. I wanted to keep the logo simple as the colour scheme on the home page is vibrant consisting of pink, yellow and red. Social media links can be found at the bottom of the page. I also made sure that this theme is suited for mobile use, while although viewed a little different on a mobile device, the content is still visible.

full screen home page




























  • Travel – Amsterdam

I have included a Travel category within my blog as it is one of my main interests and I like to take pictures of different views. My last trip was to Amsterdam, so I made a gallery of some of the pictures of views I took out there. I also included an infographic which includes some facts about the city.



















Main posts – Advanced Revolution slider

I have included an advanced revolution slider on my home page as I wanted to give the most recent posts the most attention. I have made sure that the slider is big so that browsers will catch this straight away. The slider is a short cut, so it gets to post straight away instead of having to go through the header menu.













I have included an Article category within my blog which is a compilation of stories that I have wrote or have taken an interest in. I have included a section in here from one of my work experience placements where I had five stories published on a magazine’s website. I chose my favourite story out of these stories and added them to my articles category. Both of the pictures and the text link to the posts.


articles one

articles one articles onearticlestwoarticles one
articlestwoMini picture Gallery

I have included a thumbnail size gallery on my home page, which are all my own images. I added these as a lot of the content on my site is written, so I wanted to add some photography to the page to break it up a bit, it also looks neat. The pictures are views from London and Croatia. The pictures zoom in when it is hovered over.




Sam Masters