Imogen Chapman

08 Dec Imogen Chapman

Just click on the pictures to view my website;

When first entering my website this is the first page you are greeted with. And you are able to navigate through my page by clicking on the menu bar to what section you wish to go onto.



One of the events I attended was SantaCon which happens every year across the world, it was an event everyone should go to at least once.

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Winter Wonderland was an event that transports you to a mystical land.

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Winter wonderland











One of the events we had to attend was one held on 13th October.

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This was a discussion we had in class to why social media is why important in today’s world.

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Class discussion











Going to Oxford Street to watch the christmas light switch on was I feel, one of my best events, as a manage to get a lot of multimedia within my event write up as a I took my own picture and my own video footage as the Christmas lights were being switch on.

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Christmas lights


Imogen Chapman

Hello, I am Imogen Chapman. I am studying Multimedia Journalism at London South Bank University.