Alcohol Consumption 18-24


03 Dec Alcohol Consumption 18-24

This is a two minute videoblog, analysing alcohol consumption in the 18-24 year old age bracket – produced by first year students

GROUP MEMBERS: Rafaela KuznecGavin StaceySavvas Kyriakou

SYNOPSIS: A videoblog analysing alcohol consumption in the 18-24 year old age bracket, referring to a recent article from The Guardian, revealing that there are up to 75% of men and 80% of women regularly exceeding the daily limit of alcohol. In the video we are interviewing two students, questioning about their habits of drinking alcohol and also, adding a medical professional’s view.  The video was filmed in different environments: in the hotel, at home of one of the interviewees and in the pharmacy. Video material is two minute long and was created as a project for a Multimedia Journalism degree at London South Bank University.
